Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Silent Blog

Yes, it's been quiet around here. No, I don't have a good excuse.
You can blame it on my wip.
And the fact that my Amazon order just came in, so when I'm not writing, I'm reading.
Those of you who are pursuing publication like I am, here are a couple of new books you don't want
to put off buying:
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Christian Fiction - Ron Benrey
Revision and Self-Editing - James Scott Bell

I have more, but I tend to read these kinds of books slowly. Ron's book was a great read, very insightful and
easy to get through. I'm going to take my time with Jim's book, and I'll probably have to read it a few times.
I also will be reading Writing the Christian Romance, by Gail Gaymer Martin. I finally caved and bought The Chicago Manual of Style, which I must confess, I'm afraid to open. And The Elements of Style, a much smaller and less intimidating book.

The rest of my order was fiction:
The Oak Leaves - Maureen Lang
Trouble the Water - Nicole Seltz
Leaving November - Deborah Raney
Anathema - Colleen Coble
The Restorers Journey - Sharon HInk
Bookends - Liz Curtis Higgs
Saving Grace - Denise Hunter
Off The Record - Elizabeth White
Within This Circle - Deborah Raney
Wiser Than Serpants - Susan May Warren
The Other Daughter - Miralee Ferrell
The Atonement Child - Francine Rivers

So you can sort of tell what I like to read, can't you? I do have to say though, I just finished Sins of the Fathers by James Scott Bell and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have another one of his books around here somewhere to add to my list.
I am also trying to make a list of the movies I'd like to watch this summer.
When we are at the cottage, it's movie watching and reading time all the way! Long walks, canoe rides and sitting on the dock listening to the loons are also favorite pastimes. However, I quickly add that I shall also be writing...yes. Of course. That thing I do... My goal is to have my current wip finished by the end of summer. By finished I mean edited and ready to go. At the moment I'm thinking this is a long shot. But we'll see.
So that's what I'm up to. We enter God's country, as my husband fondly refers to it, on July 15th. I cannot wait!!
What are your summer plans?

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