Friday, February 25, 2011

It Really Does Take A Village...

You've all heard the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, I also think it takes a village to raise a book. Each time I log on to Facebook or Twitter these days, I am reminded of all the wonderful people who helped me along the way to make what sometimes seemed like an impossible dream, a reality. And now they are shouting it from the rooftops and I know they'll be first in line on March 15th! As the date nears, I can't help but get just a wee bit emotional. I don't think people really realize what a huge deal this is to me, unless you've gone through it yourself. But if you need the proof, all you have to do is scroll down through my old posts over the last few years and see for yourself. Some of them are pretty depressing! Even back in August I wrote this post, wondering if I was really meant to be a published author.
Well, God didn't take too long after that to give me an answer.
And I'm not going to sit here and wonder what if He hadn't...I'm just so humbled and grateful to be in this position today.

My heart goes out to all of you who are maybe feeling your blows as you read another rejection letter or staring at a manuscript you thought was brilliant an hour ago that now reads like a Grade 1 essay...oh, I know how you feel!! Remember, this too shall pass. In those darkest hours, something is happening. You can't see it, hear it or feel it, but trust me, you are being changed. You are. You're growing stronger as a writer. Finding courage, determination and perseverance. Who doesn't want more of those. Patience? Well, I'm not an authority on that one!!
Please don't give up!
I'm so glad I get to be in your village to write this and hopefully encourage you today. Writing can be a very lonely process, and the journey to publication is filled with ups and downs. You simply can't do it alone. Don't even try.

As I sat down to write the acknowledgements and dedication pages that would go into my book, it hit me again just how many people have been involved in this journey with me. You'll see them all mentioned in the book, and I really hope I haven't left anyone out, but I wanted to share this here too, because I'm just so grateful for them today.
Some aren't obsessed with...em...I mean... they don't use the internet like I do, so I can't link to them, but others are just a click away.

My Family -
My Dad and stepmom Vivian - cheerleaders from the start!
My Hubby - he puts up with far more than one man should have to, but he hasn't stopped loving me yet!
My awesome daughter Sarah. I'm so glad we can talk about anything, laugh together, hang out and have fun. It's so great to have the support of such a godly young woman, and I know I'd be lost without her.
My amazing son, Chris - he's the music guy in our family, and his facebook info says 'he doesn't read', so I'm not holding out a lot of hope that he will actually read my book, but I'm grateful for his support, and his zany sense of humor.
All my Belfast family - it's been great to connect with all of them through Facebook, since we never get to see each other, and I'm really thankful for their encouragement along the way, and I'm super thankful for how they're spreading the word on that side of the pond!
My sister Pam and her family - it's been so great to have them be a part of my life, and share this journey with me! I can't imagine life without them!

My agent Rachelle - what a blessing it was to connect with her, and sometimes I still can't believe I have an agent, let alone a dynamo like Rachelle. She's been such an encouragement to me and knows how to talk me off a ledge and give me a kick in the butt too!! And sometimes I need it.

American Christian Fiction Writers. I can honestly say I'd be lost without this amazing group of people. So many writers, fabulous authors, teachers, mentors, I'd be here all day if I tried to list everyone who has been behind me on this project, but I hope you know who you are!!
Jenness Walker- my critique partner extraordinaire! We met through ACFW actually, and I can't imagine writing anything without her input.

All of my Bermuda friends - Lee Anne, Rochelle, Debbie...the list is long, but honestly, if you don't have someone you can call at all hours and blubber to, you need to find a friend like that. I've been blessed to have several.
This is just a smattering of my very long list of supporters. I'm not sure that any of these people will every truly know just how much having them in my life means to me, and incase I haven't said it loud enough - THANK YOU!!!


Tana said...

Cpngrats Cathy! Love your enthusiasm. =)

Maggie said...

It's wonderful that you've had such a great group of supporters. Congrats on your book release. I know how wonderful the moment that you hold the book in your hands feels.

Audrey's Blogs said...

I'm overjoyed for you, Catherine It is a wonderful feeling. It is the joy of giving birth. Congratulations on your book's release. :-)

jenness said...

The feeling's mutual, Cathy! So excited for you!! You've worked so hard for this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! on your book release. And I still love the Beatles. Even had a blog series last year called, "With a little help from my friends."