Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bring On '08!

Yes, I'm ready for a new year.
In many ways, 2007, soon to be history, was a year of challenges. Personal, spiritual, emotional.
One thing I learned about myself, which I already knew but ignore most of the time, is that when
the going gets tough, I tend to hide under the covers.
I really hate that. I'd love to be able to face a challenge head on, confident in knowing that no matter what it is, how difficult or seemingly insurmountable, God will see me through. I know that in my heart but my head often races ahead and decries faith in favor of doom and gloom.
The amazing thing is, God comes through despite my pitiful lack of faith.
How gracious He is.
When I weep and fall apart at an unexpected turn in the road, I know I fail Him as well as others who may look to me for direction. So the cart has tipped over and apples are running away into muddy ditches...I still have the apple orchard. Next year, there will be a new crop. A better crop.
And I pray I will respond in a different way when challenges come.
Nobody likes to be hurled into the ditch. It's messy. It hurts. You may even come out with a few bruises. But it's necessary. It's how we grow. At those times we learn what it is to fully rely on God. I think God uses those experiences to teach us yet again that He is the only constant in this life.
I know even now, hours away from this new year, that it's going to be a challenging one.
We're building a house. Exciting, but very stressful.
I'm writing a book that will hopefully sell, thus God willing, I'll finally embark on a career as a novelist. One who actually sells books. How cool would that be? More excitement, yet I know there is much hard work ahead.
We have a beautiful daughter who's turning into a woman before our eyes, and a son who seems to be growing by the second. Awesome and terrifying in the same breath.
Life is full. Rich in blessings and ripe with promise despite the uncertain times we live in.
But I want more. More of Him.
I want Him to be my life breath. My heartbeat.
The reason I do what I do.
The reason I am who I am.
I've fallen short one too many times, but I'm sitting up, taking His hand, and letting Him pull me up out of the mire and on to the path of righteousness again.
I press on. And I pray this year, I will not fail Him.
Because I know one thing for sure.
He will never fail me.

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