Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Blog?

As the new year starts, I'm sure I'm not the only one taking stock of the things in my life, what works, what doesn't, why I do what I do, and how I can improve things.
I've had this blog for years now. I started it as more of a personal journal than anything.
They say your blog should be your platform. Well, that would make sense if I had something to sell I guess.
I'm a writer, but I'm not published yet, so I can't sell my books. Wish I could.
But even if that day comes, I'm not pushy by nature, so I'm going to find it difficult to keep hyping my books. I know I will have to, it's all part of marketing, but I'm not really looking forward to it.
Some people blog with authority. Sometimes when they shouldn't.
Some blog because they have something to prove, like how many followers they have. Some blogs are worth more than their weight in gold. Any aspiring author or multi-published author can glean wisdom from my agent Rachelle Gardner's blog any day of the week.
Some blogs are funny, some are sad. Some are just out there.
I'd like to figure out what I'm doing here in the Blogosphere.
What makes you stop by, if you do? What would you like to read about?
One thing I do know, is that this year, everything I do will be done with purpose.
Life is too short to waste time, goes by too fast for me to be indecisive.
That said, I will be blogging here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But it's my blog so if I have something I need to say on another day, I'll probably go ahead and say it.
Now the question is, what should I blog about?
Oh, I'm also blogging today over at International Christian Fiction Writers on What I Learned In Vietnam


Terri Tiffany said...

Good morning! I began blogging like you did--for personal reasons. Then I found I needed a platform if I wanted to be a writer. Well, then it turned into a place where I could learn from so many others! I struggle with what to blog about sometimes and at those times, I just don't blog. I have no set schedule--don't care to--I just blog at will.
I like to read about other writer's journey too.

Tamika: said...

For me, blogging is a means of connecting. Sharing the writing experience as it unfolds. I've made unique and special connections with writers from all over the world because of blogging! I could never have asked for anything better.

Jody Hedlund said...

Hi Cath,
I think that blogging for each of us ends up being a very different experience. Mine has become a journal of sorts, about my writing journey. I don't know that what I say is always of particular importance to everyone who reads it. But if God can use me to encourage just one writer, than that's more than worth the effort.