Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Such a weird day. A tribute to mothers. Who thought of this? Hallmark?
I don't know but it doesn't really matter.
For me, Mother's Day brings a mix of emotion.
As a mother, I am blessed to share the day with my two children and husband.
Sometimes we go out for lunch, today we stayed in because we went out for a wonderful dinner last
night at one of my favorite restaurants.
The other side of Mother's Day is that I no longer have my mom with me. So I choose to take
the day to remember her and how amazing she was. She taught me so much about courage and getting through
the hard stuff no matter what. I know that it's due to her that I have been able to embrace motherhood and raise my
children the way I have. She passed away too young, after a prolonged illness, but I never heard her voice out loud that
she wished things were different. I'm sure she did. We all did. But my mom took what was given to her with a smile,
and battled courageously. And knowing that she's now in heaven with Jesus is a great comfort.
I had another mother, the woman who gave me life. We never really knew each other, but I always think of her today too, and
contemplate what life would have been like were things done differently. It's almost too complicated to think about, really.
I trust God's divine wisdom and know that He blessed me greatly in giving me the parents He chose for me.
I have a wonderful stepmother who adds much to our lives and we are very blessed to have her in our family.
I also have a great spiritual mom who first opened my eyes to the exciting world of studying God's word. She's stood by me through some pretty interesting times, and although she lives far away now, I know she's still there for me, supporting me in prayer.
In light of recent world events, you can't help but think of the many children who today have no mothers. Mother's who have no children.
Again, my heart goes out to my niece who I'm sure is missing her baby today.
Bittersweet doesn't really do these feelings justice.
I was handling the whole realm of emotion pretty well until I checked into Kristy Dykes blog. Kristy is an ACFW member who has been battling cancer. She will soon go home to be with Jesus.
How my soul cries for the two young women who went through today knowing that it is the last Mother's Day their mom will be on this earth. I can't even remember if I thought that thought when my mom was sick. I'm sure I did.
God knew what He was doing when He made mothers - even the ones who just don't seem to care. In their heart of hearts, they do.
Mothers must be treasured whilst they are with us. When they are gone, we realize how much they were a part of who we are.
So if you can, hug your mom. Or make your kids hug you.
And have a Happy Mother's Day!

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